Five Reasons You Might Need a Calcium Supplement – from

| Tags: General health

In 2012 a controversial German study came out that there was a link between those taking calcium supplements, and the supplement causing heart attacks. A later study from Harvard Medical School showed no correlation between calcium supplements and artery damage leading to heart attacks, but the damage had been done. Women were afraid to return to using calcium supplements.

Truth is, most women don’t need a calcium supplement as long as they are receiving the recommended 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily through their diet. This can be done easily with three to four servings daily of dairy products or calcium fortified foods. But there are still risk factors out there that would make it important to have a calcium supplement. Here are the top five.

You have a history of restrictive dieting
Actress Gwyneth Paltrow was diagnosed with osteopenia, a precursor to low bone mineral density, after a fracture. As she was only in her mid-thirties at the time, it was highly unusual for someone that young to have a disorder that typically affects much older women. The cause? A highly restrictive, raw food, macrobiotic diet. So if you’re a restrictive eater, make sure you’re getting the recommended amounts of calcium to prevent fracture and other problems associated with low bone density.

Your mother or grandmother have low bone density, osteoporosis or osteopenia
While not totally hereditary, there is a link between a family history of bone-health issues like osteoporosis and your risk for having it as well. A calcium and Vitamin D regimen is still the recommended offense in preventing these bone disorders. It’s especially important with a close family history, to be mindful of your calcium intake.

You love your diet soda
If you’re like me and love your diet soda, you need to also be aware of the risks. The phosphoric acid soda contains has been shown to deplete calcium in the body. This isn’t a big issue in people with healthy bone density on its own, but if you use diet soda to replace food and nutrients in order to avoid calories, that combines risk factors. Not only are you not ingesting calcium, but you’re depleting it as well.

You’re a vegan
Vegans aren’t necessarily restrictive eaters, but without ingesting any animal products or animal byproducts, it’s hard to get your calcium requirements from a plant-based diet. You would have to eat over seven cups of kale a day just to come close. Vegans also have a problem finding a suitable supplement because many contain animal products or derivatives. If you are vegan, there are plant-based calcium supplements available to help you get the calcium you need.

You have restricted mobility
Bone health isn’t just about calcium, it’s also about exercise. Weight bearing exercises and strength training help to make for stronger, denser bones. However, if you are limited in your mobility, and can’t do these exercises, it’s important to do everything you can to keep your bones healthy, so a supplement might be needed.

As always check with your healthcare provider to determine what is best for you and your health before taking supplements. They will be able to give you guidance, dosage guidelines and what you need based on your needs. Calcium is a huge part of keeping your bones healthy and strong so you can keep being active for years to come.

Published by Jennifer Sale